Chair Yoga
Find out about the different classes that are available, and book for a group or individual session
Chair Yoga is a gentle, low-impact form of exercise to strengthen and stretch your muscles and fibrous tissues, support your joints and ligaments, improve your flexibility, boost your circulation and improve your mood.
It is perfect for seniors wishing to move more, for people who suffer from conditions such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis, for those with limited mobility or in a wheelchair, those recovering from an injury or living with a disability, and even office workers confined to a chair for much of their working day.

Is it exercise? Of course! You are likely to break a sweat while – at the same time – nourishing your muscles and joints through twisting, bending, and stretching.
As we age, we quite naturally lose flexibility, the ability for our joints to complete a full range of motion. We lose flexibility for many reasons, including a sedentary lifestyle, through injury or trauma, or even from having had surgery. And having a reasonable range of motion as we age is so vital for preventing falls and other injuries, and even being able to perform the activities of daily life.
Flexibility, though, is but one part of healthy movement. Maintaining a body that moves well also means maintaining, or building, our Balance, Coordination, Power, Agility, Speed, and Reaction Time.
Let me explain each one.
Balance is our ability to stand upright without pitching forward or back. It is our ability to move – walking, for example, or sitting down and standing up again – without falling forwards or backwards.
Coordination is our ability to make many small movements into one large and efficient movement, such as dropping to the knee to pick something up off the floor.
Power is our ability to transfer energy, and our intentions, into force. It is the ability our muscles have to lift ourselves back off the floor again and stand up.
Agility is our ability to change direction as we move, rapidly if needed, and fluently, such as turning to the left or right, or stepping past an obstacle which suddenly appears in our path.
Speed, in that case, is our ability to perform that movement quickly, such as dodging something coming our way, or grabbing something that is falling.
Reaction Time naturally follows from that, which is our ability to sense or see an object coming at us and react – with agility and speed – to the danger so that we move out of the way.
And, finally, flexibility…the ability to move our joints through the full range of motion. A flexible person can reach up for something with balance, reach down for something with coordination, and reach out for something with agility.
These are all the things that a regular Chair Yoga practice can help with.
People with Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis
Arthritis is the inflammation and tenderness of the joints. Because of this, many forms of exercise (such as running, walking, and most forms of cardio) can be a challenge. However, Chair Yoga allows for careful and slow movements, without putting undue pressure and weight onto any affected joints. Many refinements are possible for your unique situation, so that you can comfortably and effectively build strength, flexibility, mobility, and reduce discomfort.
Multiple Sclerosis is a condition which affects the central nervous system, and disrupts the flow of information between the body and the brain. It can be quite unpredictable and may vary greatly from person to person. A person with Multiple Sclerosis can become fatigued quite quickly, and it may take longer to recover from an injury: all this can cause additional stress for you. Chair Yoga is a great option for you, because it is low-impact, can be done from anywhere and even while using a wheelchair, helps to reduce stress and is gentle – nourishing, stretching, and strengthening muscles without becoming too tired or overheated.
What if I have Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is an age-related problem where bones become weak. They more they weaken, the more likely they are to break should you have a fall. And, of course, they also taken longer to heal. Even though Chair Yoga uses a series of bends, and twists, and folds that you may fear could put more stress on a bone than is necessary, you need not be concerned. Firstly, there are many refinements and precautions. Certain poses and stretches are amended to avoid, for example, pressure on the base of the spine, or the chest bones. A regular practice can help to build strength, flexibility, and balance, and help to reduce your chances of a fall.
Please do contact me if you would like to hear more about what this practice can do for you, or if you would like to book a private or group session with me. It can be a lot of fun with a group of friends 🙂
If you are the owner or administrator of a retirement village or community, a hospital or hospice, an organisation supporting the elderly, or wish to know how to nourish your workers in your office, please reach out to me to find out about group sessions that are easy, and accessible. All you need is a chair and a rolled up blanket.
Bach Close, Sonstraal Heights, Durbanville
082 920 9816